Indulge in Our

Range of

Massage Therapies

At Forrest
Massage & Spa

We offer a comprehensive range of massage therapies designed to cater to your unique requirements. Our highly skilled therapists are trained in various modalities and are committed to providing the highest quality of care. Choose from our menu of services, including:

Swedish massage

Experience deep relaxation and improved circulation with this classic massage technique.

Deep tissue massage

Target deep muscle layers to release tension and alleviate chronic pain.

Hot stone therapy

Melt away stress as warm stones are gently applied to relax and soothe your muscles.

Thai massage

Incorporating stretching and acupressure techniques, this massage aligns your body’s energies and promotes flexibility.

Sports massage

Ideal for athletes or active individuals, this massage focuses on enhancing performance, preventing injuries, and promoting recovery.

Prenatal massage

Tailored for expectant mothers, this gentle massage relieves discomfort and promotes relaxation during pregnancy.